Network Security

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Network Security

Cyber security refers to the technologies, processes, and policies utilized to protect networks, network traffic, and network-accessible assets from unauthorized access, data theft, and cyber attacks. Businesses of all sizes rely on cyber security to protect their networks and data. Network security is a critical defense against a rapidly expanding attack surface for the largest enterprises and service providers across all industries.
A layered approach to network security is needed to secure the network at various edges and inside the web. A vulnerability exists in every device, data path, application, and user. Due to the multitude of threats organizations face, hundreds of network security management tools help address individual threats or exploits or maintain the integrity of mission-critical infrastructure, like continuous compliance. Utilizing a platform approach that prioritizes integration and automation should be the top priority for organizations looking to implement network security solutions that cover a multitude of threats

“We Secure” Security-Driven Networking

Through its Security-driven Networking strategy, “We Secure” enables an organization to integrate its network infrastructure with its security architecture, scaling and changing while maintaining security operations. This next-generation approach is essential for adequately protecting today’s highly dynamic environments. This approach does more than provide consistent security enforcement across today’s highly flexible perimeters – it weaves security deep into the fabric of the network as well.

Network Security: A Critical Issue

Cyber attacks continue to surge, with the frequency, volume, and sophistication of cyberattacks increasing daily, from distributed denial-of-service attacks to ransomware. An organization’s reputation, bottom line, and even long-term viability can suffer damage if it experiences a minute of downtime or a lag in service performance resulting in a disruption to its network infrastructure. Organizations often incur crippling fines and even close their doors for good due to catastrophic cyber attacks that start with seemingly benign intrusions. Still, inadequate network security tools do not spot them.

Network Security for Businesses

Enterprise Network Security

Developing an integrated, automated, cloud-ready approach and network security solution is essential to secure enterprise networks in large and distributed organizations. A solution prioritizes the protection of the corporate network and its assets and data while maintaining connectivity and providing an excellent user experience for employees and customers. A network security solution for enterprise networks must also keep out the bad guys; legacy systems, patch management, alert fatigue, and a shortage of cyber and network security workers are factors to consider. Hardware and software tools are essential components of a comprehensive network security strategy.
Unlike on-premises systems, hybrid models, and cloud-based solutions, these systems maximize protection against a broad range of online threats, govern what enters into and leaves the corporate network, and control who has access to what on the web

Finding a Network Security System

Small Business Network Security

Most attacks against small businesses entail ransomware, as hackers know that small business network security is sorely lacking. To safeguard the data and assets of their companies, medium-sized companies need to select the right tools, such as secure Wi-Fi access, virtual private networks (VPNs), multi-factor authentication, and branch office firewalls. Besides the benefits of cloud-based, centralized management, small businesses can also deploy innovative technology more quickly and keep their operations safe with valuable rules and policies.

High Performance
High Performance

“How can we do this even faster?”. A question that concerns network security, both today and in the future, since the dawn of digital innovation. Speed fuels digital transformation and its impact on business, enabling efficiency, access, usage, application development, productivity, revenue, and return on investment (ROI). Because of hyper-scale and hyper-connected environments, network security tools must have high performance. Traditionally, network security systems couldn’t keep pace, couldn’t deliver secure connectivity, and couldn’t satisfy user expectations. Keeping up with digital innovation’s groundbreaking requires security performance at the highest level; even a millisecond slowdown can have disastrous consequence


Complex networks are not only tough to manage; they also pose a security threat. Networks with a large number of entry points have heightened vulnerabilities. The entire attack surface is expanding due to trends like BYOD (bring your device) and the Internet of Things (IoT), which are creating millions of brand-new connections to business networks every year. Businesses should insist on centralized network management from a single pane of glass, regardless of how distributed the environment is using many tools. In infrastructure, tools, and leadership, simplicity makes for a safer, more secure network overall.


There is no control and management if you can’t see what you’re doing. One of the most challenging issues is visibility in security. The potential for network security blind spots increases as digital infrastructure becomes more distributed and organizations combine on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure. Ensure your network environment is visible and controlled in the most efficient way possible.

Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence

The proliferation of sophisticated, targeted attacks poses a significant challenge to securing networks. The right network security solutions will use the most current threat intelligence to protect you from exploits, vulnerabilities, zero-days, as well as known and previously unknown attacks.