About Us

Cyber-security as a “We Secure” initiative

“WE SECURE” and its underlying infrastructure are vulnerable to a wide range of risks stemming from both physical and cyber threats and hazards. Advanced actors in the cyber world and nation-states exploit vulnerabilities to steal information and money. They are also developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy or threaten essential services. Several factors make securing cyberspace particularly challenging:
A malicious actor’s ability to conduct operations globally from anywhere.
A system of links between cyberspace and physical systems.
Complex cyber networks, with their inherent vulnerabilities and consequences.
Intricate cyber networks present problems in reducing exposures and impacts.
Increasingly sophisticated cyber intrusions pose new risks to critical infrastructure, becoming a growing concern. In its increasing integration with physical infrastructure operations, information technology increases the risk of large-scale or high-impact events that could cause harm or disrupt services that are vital to millions of Australians’ daily lives and the economy. Strengthening the resilience and security of cyberspace has become a critical homeland security mission in light of the risks and potential consequences of cyber events.
Securing Cyberspace with “WE SECURE”
The WE SECURE Services Catalog offers a comprehensive list of cybersecurity services.
A catalogue is an organized collection of services across all WE SECURE mission areas. This single resource gives users access to services across all WE SECURE mission areas.

Website Protection
200+ +
Website Protection
Our team
45+ +
Our team
Support 24/7
24+ +
Support 24/7
Years works
18 +
Years works